
Bhagavad gita dhyana sloka in kannada
Bhagavad gita dhyana sloka in kannada

Mind control and detachment from sense objects are the requirements to come to the advanced stage of Ashtanga yoga. On the other hand, a yogi who is not a devotee of Krishna must resort to mechanical processes such as gymnastics to escape the onslaught of material desires Mind control and detachment ( BG 6.5 – 6.10) As he is constantly engaged in the service of Krishna, he is considered to have already ceased all material activities. In his purport to the verse 3 of the sixth chapter of Bhagavad Gita as it is, Srila Prabhupada explains that a Krishna conscious person or a devotee of Lord Krishna is situated in the advanced stage of meditation right from the beginning as he always thinks of pleasing Krishna. In this advanced stage, the stage of steady meditation or dhyana, one attains perfect mental equilibrium to control the senses. in the advanced stage, one can practice Ashtanga yoga exclusively.

bhagavad gita dhyana sloka in kannada

Thus, when one is completely purified of material desires, i.e. This leads to gradual purification of the heart. In the beginning stage, one should first cultivate detachment by performing one’s prescribed duties and simultaneously perform Ashtanga yoga by practicing asanas. Lord Krishna talks about two levels of Ashtanga yoga – Yoga aruruksa (beginning stage) and Yoga-arudha (advanced stage). Two levels of Ashtanga yoga ( BG 6.3 – 6.4) Such a devotee can be called a perfect sanyasi or yogi. On the other hand, a devotee or a Krishna conscious person works only for the satisfaction of Krishna and has no selfish motives. Even desiring liberation for oneself is to be construed as a selfish desire.

bhagavad gita dhyana sloka in kannada

Even a sanyasi who is interested in becoming one with the Supreme or a mystic yogi who performs severe penances are not free from selfish desire. He explains that everybody in this world acts for some selfish interest. This process known as Niskama karma yoga is practical. In his purport to verse 1 of the sixth chapter of Bhagavad Gita as it is, Srila Prabhupada explains that real perfection is to act for the satisfaction of Krishna or the Supreme whole. In the beginning few verses of the sixth chapter, Lord Krishna explains the importance of purifying oneself by the process of Niskama karma yoga before trying the meditation process, which is difficult for people in general. Destination of an unsuccessful yogi ( BG 6.37 – 6.46 ).

bhagavad gita dhyana sloka in kannada

Arjuna rejects Ashtanga Yoga ( BG 6.33 – 6.36 ).Vision of a perfected yogi ( BG 6.29 – 6.32 ).Perfection in the yoga process ( BG 6.18 – 6.28).Key for success in yoga process ( BG 6.15 – 6.17 ).The process of meditation ( BG 6.13 – 6.14 ).Method of preparation ( BG 6.11 – 6.12 ).Mind control and detachment ( BG 6.5 – 6.10).Two levels of Ashtanga yoga ( BG 6.3 – 6.4).

Bhagavad gita dhyana sloka in kannada